Questions and Answers on Water and Fertilizer Integration (Drip Irrigation) Technology
Time:2020/2/28    Source:Pearl Pump Industry    Views:
1. How to choose a filter?
Answer: The key to drip irrigation is to prevent clogging. Choosing the right filter is a prerequisite for the success of drip irrigation. Commonly used filters are gravel separators, media filters, mesh filters and laminated filters. The first two are used for primary filtration, and the latter two are used for secondary filtration. There are many specifications of filters, the choice of filter and its combination are mainly determined by the water quality. This is a more professional question, it is best to be designed and selected by professionals.
2. What problems should be paid special attention to in drip irrigation and fertilization?
Answer: One is the problem of over-irrigation. Drip irrigation fertilization** is the problem of over-irrigation. Many users always feel that drip irrigation produces less water and feel uneasy. As a result, irrigation time is extended. One consequence of prolonging the irrigation time is wasting water, and another consequence is leaching nutrients that are not absorbed by the soil below the root layer and wasting fertilizer. Especially nitrogen leaching. Usually water-soluble compound fertilizers contain urea and nitrate nitrogen, these two nitrogen sources are most easily leached out. Excessive irrigation often shows symptoms of nitrogen deficiency, yellow leaves, and plant growth hindered. The second is the problem of tube washing after fertilization. Generally, drip water first, and start fertilization after the pipe is completely filled with water. In principle, the longer the fertilization time, the better. After the fertilization is over, continue to drip water for half an hour to drain all the remaining fertilizer liquid in the pipeline. Many users do not wash the tube after dripping fertilizer, and algae and microorganisms grow on the dripper after the treatment, which causes the dripper to be blocked. The accurate dripping time can be monitored with a conductivity meter.
3. Is it necessary to build a reservoir for drip irrigation in mountain orchards?
Answer: Not necessarily. In order to save money, if the orchard's terrain height difference is within 15 meters, the installation of drip irrigation generally does not need to build a reservoir, as long as you choose a pump with a suitable head and flow rate. For terrain with a height difference of more than 25 meters, it is best to build a reservoir at the height of the orchard, and use a gravity drip irrigation system, which is more economical.
4. How is the price of drip irrigation and fertilization system constituted?
Answer: The cost of drip irrigation fertilization system is mainly composed of three parts: design cost, equipment and material cost, and installation cost. The specific price depends on factors such as terrain conditions, height difference, planting density, soil conditions, water source conditions, traffic conditions, fertilization equipment type, system automation degree, material model specifications, system service life, technical service level and other factors. Therefore, there is no uniform price for drip irrigation systems. According to the actual situation in China, the current price of drip irrigation system varies from 400 to 1500 yuan per mu. Regardless of the price, its basic functions are the same, that is, uniform water output and uniform fertilizer application.
5. Take fruit trees as an example, is it cost-effective to install drip irrigation?
Answer: The cost of a high-standard drip irrigation system is about 1,000 yuan/mu, with a design life of 10 years, which translates to an annual cost of 100 yuan/mu. After the installation of drip irrigation, on the one hand, it can save fertilizer expenses. Calculated by saving 30% of fertilizer, it can save 30-50 yuan/mu per year; on the other hand, it can increase yield and quality, thereby increasing income. Calculated by increasing income by 10%, it can be calculated annually. Increase income by 120-800 yuan/mu, which has not yet considered the hidden value of saving labor and ensuring high yield. It can be seen that the installation of drip irrigation for fruit trees is very cost-effective. We cannot subjectively think that drip irrigation is uneconomical because of the large one-time investment in drip irrigation and the comprehensive costs and benefits.
6. How much electricity does it cost per year?
Answer: Because the micro-irrigation system has low pressure requirements, it can save energy to the greatest extent. Take a 100-mu citrus orchard drip irrigation system as an example. The annual electricity consumption is about 1,200 kWh. Based on the current electricity price, the cost is 732 yuan, and the energy input per mu is only 7.32 yuan. Drip irrigation is the most energy-saving irrigation and fertilization method.
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